experience Italy


Mind, body and spirit.

contemporary hermitage
for solo travelers

by Marcello Murzilli

Healing Haven premium international retreat venue
Healing Haven Retreats Eremito Italy

Umbria, ITALY

The Healing Haven Retreat Venue in Italy. It is a unique place, a secular hermitage where you can spend a relaxing and regenerating time, away from the noises of everyday life, in a majestic isolation in front of the Unesco Biosphere Reserve.


Healing Haven Eremito Logo
Brought to light in accordance with the authentic requirements of the ancient monasteries

Eremito is the ideal place for those who realise that peace and quiet are essential ingredients to find inner peace. It’s a mystical place, fruit of a long journey of self discovery. The place is majestically located within Umbrian valleys, this amplifies the sense of spirituality enchanting the eyes and the soul.

Today, as in previous centuries, Eremito maintains as close as possible the core and the feeling of the ancient hermitages where time stood still.

To enjoy an ideal place to relax, rest and to concentrate in creative activities or to meditate, is a luxury in today’s world. This is what we wish to offer to our clients.

It is a unique place, a secular hermitage where you can spend a relaxing and regenerating time, away from the noises of everyday life, in a majestic isolation in front of the Unesco Biosphere Reserve.



The so called “Celluzze” are as the cells used by the hermits in past times who in their small and simple spaces were able to find time for meditation and prayer. Eremito has rooms with a wrought iron bed, a shower and toilet.

The temperature in the rooms is always constant without a need for air-condition, there is also under floor heating for the colder months.

We have taken care on the details of the rooms: the bedding is made of hand-made hemp yarn.

Although the basic comforts are in the room, you will not find a telephone, TV nor wi-fi connection. Instead you will find a comfortable desk made of stone by the window where one can be inspired while admiring the green valley.

The Refectory – In our garden we grow vegetables and herbs, all organic. All the food prepared in our kitchen is genuine and of high quality. Dinner is served observing silence.

The style of our dwelling reflects itself also for the meals, our menu is simple and basic.
We offer a healthy and moderate diet, one which chooses recipes from monastic mediterranean tradition. Tastes and smells which remind one of Umbrian traditions and small villages built near-by monasteries.






Healing Haven Eremito Logo


Località Tarina 2 – 05010
Parrano (Terni)

Umbria, Italy

An all round experience

You will be fascinated once you experience a stay in a Contemporary Monastery. Here a faithful restoration from the original structure has been carried out, using eco-friendly systems in the process.

Among one of the most recognized eco-hotels in the world, it is a perfect location for the solo traveler and for all those who wish to detach themselves from the “daily” in order to rediscover more essential needs.

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