healing in harmony

For People

Human Cure.

what we offer

Healing in Harmony

Focuses also on healing the human spirit as well as participating in its scientific expeditions for the planet and wildlife. Human wholeness and connection is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.
Without it, there is suffering.
Our goal is to be whole and awaken the light inside through regenerative living. We have a big focus on mental health and well-being that starts from the head patterns down.

Healing Haven Cure for the People

tree stump & human fingerprint



Equestrian Therapy

Equine-assisted therapy (EAT) involves a range of treatments and activities with horses that promote and aid in human physical and mental health.


Healing Haven The Power of Heart & Brain Connection
Healing Haven The Power of Heart & Brain Connection

Food is Medicine

Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food‘, often ascribed to Hippocrates (400 BC). Food is medicine sits at the crossroads of nutrition and healthcare. While certain foods may trigger chronic health conditions  an influenced disease risk, others offer strong medicinal and protective qualities. It’s a Conscious choice everyday which one you choose.

Healing Haven The Power of Heart & Brain Connection

Relational Therapy

Relational therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the importance of relationships and their influence on an individual’s well-being.



Healing Haven Professional: Angela Fernandez
Alastair Greer

Health, Fitness and
Natural PlantBased Medicines

Alastair heralds from Ireland with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Coaching and Strength Conditioning. He is a graduate of Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts (NGI), and Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), and has become internationally acknowledged as an expert and innovator in the health, wellness and fitness industry.

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He is the founder of “Function Better Inc” and “Function Botanicals.”

“Function is pioneering a new approach to plant based medicine. One that’s powered by personalization, data & reporting, and built on a belief that less is more.”

Barbara Santos Healing Haven professional

HeartMath® Certified Trainer & Coach and Certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant  personally trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Barbara Santos dedicates herself wholeheartedly to support people who suffer from intense stress and moments of overwhelmed. She helps them get their power back, reduce stress, boost their energy levels and resilience, so they can reach their highest potential and thrive. 

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Barbara has +18 years of experience in the corporate world, 17 of which were in the market leading telecommunication companies.

During her journey as a Marketing & Communications Team Manager, Barbara felt the need to look for tools that could help her manage the high levels of stress associated with the corporate world and unleash her highest potential.
Her search led her to find powerful tools and to discover her real passion to teach those tools to others.

Since 2010, Barbara has been delivering workshops to well-renowned organizations and individuals, having helped hundreds of people from all over the world to become the best version of themselves.

In 2015 and 2016, she had the pleasure to have become the first Portuguese HeartMath® techniques and innovative technology Certified Coach and the first Portuguese HeartMath® Certified Trainer.

Since 2018, Barbara has been having the privilege to be a Team Leader / Group Lead at numerous international events with the lecturer, author and researcher Dr. Joe Dispenza.

In 2020, Barbara also had the honor to have been personally trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza, having become the first Portuguese Certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant.

With a powerful set of science-based tools, Barbara passionately supports people transform their lives, so they can reach their full potential.

Shay Khan Healing Haven professional
Shay Khan

MD, Holistic Health and Nutrition Consultant

While pursuing a career in clinical research, Dr. Khan has continued to follow her passions for health and wellness, arts and fashion, social causes, and mentoring young people. She is a global citizen, who has travelled to and lived in different countries around the world and enjoys interacting with people of different cultural backgrounds.

She is a clinical research professional with 

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a Medical Doctorate and twenty years of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry experience in various therapeutic areas, including stem cell research and cancer research.

Her medical education, clinical research experience, and knowledge of nutrition and holistic health enable her to apply a comprehensive approach to personalized healthcare.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

To schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Khan at 626-353-9652 | [email protected]

Healing Haven Professional: Angela Fernandez
Angela Fernandez


Angela Fernandez is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner helping individuals attain their highest expression of health through hormone optimization and regenerative medicine. In addition to her conventional education, Angela pursued additional training at The Institute of Functional Medicine and American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine. She will empower you through a straightforward process involving a comprehensive intake, specialized

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lab testing, diagnostic evaluation, and simple to follow practical solutions.
Dr. Somer Nicole
Dr. Somer Nicole

Creator of the Somatic
Reparenting Method™

Dr. Somer Nicole specializes in Trauma Resolution using her Somatic Reparenting MethodTM and Nervous System Regulation.

Her Doctorate is in Physical Therapy, she specializes in CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki Energy Healing, Kundalini Yoga and Pelvic Floor Recovery.
Dr. Somer is passionate about helping people heal

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and empower themselves at the deepest level, upgrading emotional intelligence, and updating limiting beliefs of abandonment, unworthiness, and disempowerment into the frequency of self-love and empowerment.
Aline Populo
Aline Populo

Business & Life Strategist

I help Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Individuals gain more clarity about themselves and better navigate through life and business challenges, identifying their behavioral patterns and their origins, in order to better deprogram them together with other associated repetitive patterns.
Aline POPULO is a certified Coach supporting clients to achieve major life and business success since 2006 through a variety of modalities in her
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near 20 years of study and research, she has impacted leaders, Entrepreneurs and their teams as individuals and a collective with her unique style of treating the whole human through a communications forward approach

Aline is a specialist of communications for behavior change, is passionate about neuroscience, the mind-body relationship and related transformation processes and has extensive professional experience in the private, public and international sectors in the fields of cooperation and communications.

She holds a Master’s degree in Foreign Languages, a Post Graduate degree in International Business Negotiations and a Master’s degree in Business Communications. She was trained at the Centre de Formation et de Professionnalisation des Journalistes in Paris, was also ateacher and still contributes to the training of young minds.

Toshia Wildasin
Toshia Marie Wildasin

Wellness Educator and DMT Therapist 

Growing up studying and performing dance with professional dance companies, movement was my therapy. Metabolizing emotions, which is just our energy in motion, is vital to avoid suppressing them and getting « stuck » during important moments in our lives.

Traumatic events can often leave us feeling unsafe, confused, helpless, depressed, anxious, and isolated. Such events can lead people into

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survival mode, unable to regulate their nervous systems. This stress response is called “fight or flight.” It was developed in a primal part of our brain called the amygdala.

Whether physical or emotional, trauma has a dramatic effect on both the body and the mind. Upon encountering a perceived threat, the nervous system tells our bodies to produce stress hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol. DMT is an excellent tool for moving our emotions through our bodies. It is helpful in connecting the body and mind when it’s too difficult to communicate feelings verbally.

Encouraging patients to express themselves through movement is crucial in repairing the mind-body connection and invokes creativity while breathing life and joy back into the healing process.

Kiran Chugani Healing Haven Professional

Energy Therapist | Artist

I grew up in a very spiritual Indian family. Meditation, silent sitting, the power of mantras and the understanding of mind body spirit all influenced my earliest perceptions of both the visible and not so visible world.  As a young child, i was extremely sensitive to other people’s emotions, feelings and state of mind, often overwhelmed by how strongly I felt it inside me. There were things i just

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knew to be true.

As most adolescents I was very rebellious and rejected and ignored all my capacities.
While pursuing my degrees in Social Work and Studio Art (Painting) in Washington DC, USA a major event in my life, deeply affected and compelled me to reconnect to my abilities. I began to attend and receive certifications in various forms of energy healing both in Europe and India. Every training I have done since has aided my understanding of energy and allowed me to channel this energy that flows through me for healing. These trainings have fine tuned my sensibility, my intuition and my understanding of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

All of our emotions, life experiences and transgenerational triggers in our DNA impact our life, health and state of mind and what we are able to attract in our life.  They influence our energetic balance and wellbeing.

The basis of my practice is to accompany the body to release all these triggers that influences and limits our balance and health.  These sessions allow the body to establish a sense of harmony and ease in the body.

As a painter and a therapist, my life is a dance between the two worlds of art (color and vibration) and healing (frequencies).

To schedule a distant session +33781869315

Holly Niemela

Co-Owner Tinhela610

Raised in New Hampshire USA, under the strong influence of sisu from her Finnish heritage, Holly had an immediate connection to Nature from early childhood.  Roaming the fields, forests and streams, befriending Nature’s secret guardians, Holly was keenly aware of the magic and splendor of the outdoor world.  These childhood nature experiences along with the Finnish family rituals engrained

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a deep sense of connection to her inner world with nature and the elements and pointed her in the direction of her life work in wellbeing.

From her first studies in the mid 80’s of the mind-body connection in Santa Fe, New Mexico to her numerous trainings in northern India and Europe under the tutelage of Swamis, over the following twenty years, Holly became accustomed to the world of the invisible, the mysteries and the wonders of life. Taught by yoga masters and led by her own inner compass, Holly,  as a yoga teacher was initiated as a Karma Sannyasin in the Dashnami Order of Saraswati, established by the philosopher yogi Shankara in the 8th century and still flourishing in India today.

She has been taught by many teachers recognized as experts in the field of meditation and personal development.

Anchored in neuroscience and evidenced-based research, Holly’s conferences, programs and international retreats highlight how ancient practices can be adapted for our fast-paced, digital world to develop our inner connection to outwardly create, collaborate, and be compassionate human beings. Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Wellness Practices for Longevity, Mental and Physical Health, Emotional Intelligence.

Erica Lippy Healing Heaven Professional

Health and Wellness Advocator

PassionLovePursuit Podcast →
Holistic Life and wellness advisor, entrepreneur, and host of the well-known podcast Passion Love Pursuit. Erica Lippy helps women reclaim their inner radiance to show up fully in their divine brilliance. She believes that every woman deserves to shine the light within—to feel worthy, loved, and in full heart-body-soul alignment. But she also knows

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that the path to get there isn’t always easy.

Erica’s journey of self-discovery and self-love took off after experiencing a series of heartbreaks. With a history of challenging romantic partnerships, she came to realize the single factor that remained consistent from one relationship to the next: her.  So she listened to that quiet guiding voice in her head, dug deep, and started to do the work.
Erica got a life coach, rewrote her limiting beliefs, and redefined what she wanted out of her life. Slowly, but surely, things began to shift. She began to stand in her worth, speak her truth, and let her light shine. The result was a new found love for herself that was reflected in every aspect of her life, from her relationships to her work. She began to exude confidence from the inside out, attracted the right partner, and reconnected to her soul in a way that left her feeling lighter, more free, and better able to see the bright path in front of her. One where she could clearly step into her purpose, live authentically, and share her story with others.

Erica’s purpose is to inspire and impact womens’ lives by authentically shining her light, so they, too, can shine theirs. She wants women to feel worthy of the life they dream of, and gives them the tools they need to make that dream their reality. For Erica, it’s not a question of if, but when. Every woman has the light in them, all they need to do is (Re)Ignite it, and share it with the world.

Apply as a Healing Haven Professional


On Demand Retreats

On Demand Retreats are assisted by our Healing Haven community of thought leaders, physicians and specialist in their respected fields.

Healing Haven has a strong emphasis on mental well-being as this really is the basis for true health, happiness, radiance and all over success from the inside out. We teach and promote living more in harmony where we can better synchronize our hearts with our brains. We offer these retreats at some of our favorite destinations and sites around the globe.


Mind, body and spirit.
Contemporary Hermitage for solo travelers ~ by Marcello Murzilli


Wilderness Wonderland – Base Camp experience ~ by Holly Niemela & Edouard Payen


Wilderness Wonderland – Base Camp experience ~ by Holly Niemela & Edouard Payen

on demand retreats

Worldwide Locations

We teach and promote living more in harmony where we can better synchronize our hearts with our brains. We offer these retreats at some of our favorite destinations and sites around the globe:

Bahia, Brazil

Costa rica



south of france

Healing Haven retreat venue Eremito

Parrano, ITALY

Eremito Monastery
Brought to light in accordance with the authentic requirements of the ancient monasteries, Eremito is the ideal place for those who realise that peace and quiet are essential ingredients to find inner peace. It’s a mystical place, fruit of a long journey of self discovery. The place is majestically located within Umbrian valleys, this amplifies the sense of spirituality enchanting the eyes and the soul.

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Healing Haven retreat venue Tinhela610

Reboredo, PORTUGAL

“We’ve built our dream: a hideaway haven in the wild and romantic Tras-os-Montés region of northern Portugal, near Trésminas, the ancient gold mines of the Roman era. This wilderness wonderland is for all those in need of the healing power of Nature. Our intention is to inspire our guests to re-connect, to boost awareness and to stimulate creativity in order to meet the challenges of this millennium.” ~ Holly Niemela & Edouard Payen

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Healing Haven retreat venue Bahia


Nurturing Nest
Bahia coco paradise. A path to healing through nature, horse therapy, turtles, beach, yoga and water sports. Back to basics. Reset the spirit. Into the Wild. Healing with Nature. Horses. Turtles. Yoga. Dance. A magical place where only coconut farmers and fisherman surround the coco plantation on the beach. On a mission to promote mental health and healing for the multi dimensional suffering worldwide. (MORE SOON) By Toshia Wildasin

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Upcoming Events

journey directory

Our Stories

Life Jouney Moments

When you make a journey, you travel from one place (mind, body or soul) to another. Although we might not know where the final destination will take us, the ability to chose the way we'll approach the path can be considered a state of art.


Appreciation and it’s magical antidote for depression 

What are your morning lens 🤓 you put on? Waking up every morning, we determine how we view our world based on the lens we choose to put on that day.  Every day, I try to tune into my surroundings and environment with the lens of gratitude and...

Happiness Project

Credits: Re-post from TheWriters.Feeling on Instagram Happiness Project Happiness Project sells clothing with a purpose and 15% of profits go toward mental health resources

Bahia Nurturing Nest

Bahia coco paradise: A path to healing through nature, horse therapy, turtles, beach, yoga and water sports. Back to basics. Reset the spirit. Into the Wild. Healing with Nature. Horses. Turtles. Yoga. Dance. A magical place where only coconut farmers and fisherman surround the coco plantation on the beach. On a mission to promote mental health and healing for the multi dimensional suffering worldwide.

Equestrian Therapy

This is a STORY of Deep Heart Connections and a Horse that Heals with His Heart ❤️ Since I was a child, I had a deep love and connection with these extraordinary animals. Horses and their quiet inner workings were something of resonance for me. When I was upset as a...

Nature’s Healing Therapies

Repetitive contact with nature can help prevent mental illness, and something welcomed in today’s ever-changing digital world.  Walking, jogging, or riding a bike in nature has potent benefits for the nervous system. As objects in nature pass by the peripheral...

Whale Sharks

Endangered Whale Sharks are considered "vulnerable to extinction" and are in the Red List of Threatened Species. Their oceanic home is in danger, and they face threats resulting from human activities such as water-warming climate change, the use of...

Scientific Expedition Prep – Shipwreck Dive and Rescue Diving Certification

This year was a very important marker for sure. As we get older, time certainly speeds up. I wanted to stretch myself and do a challenge... I don’t invest 10 minutes of my time, energy or thoughts these days unless it has great purpose or pleasure involved. I pay very...
Bahia Nurturing Nest

Bahia Nurturing Nest

Bahia coco paradise: A path to healing through nature, horse therapy, turtles, beach, yoga and water sports. Back to basics. Reset the spirit. Into the Wild. Healing with Nature. Horses. Turtles. Yoga. Dance. A magical place where only coconut farmers and fisherman surround the coco plantation on the beach. On a mission to promote mental health and healing for the multi dimensional suffering worldwide.

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worldwide locations

On Demand Retreats

ODR are assisted by our HH community of thought leaders,
physicians and specialist in their respected fields.

Healing Haven has a strong emphasis on mental well-being as this really is the basis for true health, happiness, radiance and all over success from the inside out. We teach and promote living more in harmony where we can better synchronize our hearts with our brains.

We offer these retreats at some of our favorite destinations and sites around the globe.

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